Crinetics Pharmaceuticals

Brand Awareness Campaign

The project:

Develop a launch brand for this scrappy pharma company to

Create awareness of their promising work and

Recruit participants into their new clinical study.

The idea:

As a small pharma performing research in rare endocrine diseases, Crinetics Pharmaceuticals never really had a true brand. Then they developed a promising, breakthrough drug that changed everything. In order to announce themselves to the medical community and recruit patients for their first clinical trial, they needed a more professional look, targeted messaging, and patient recruitment materials that could pass stringent FDA review. We combined launch creative that highlighted what made them different from other pharms with more tactical executions to populate the new study.

The elements:

• Brand Platform

• Website

• Print campaign

• Social media

• Study recruitment collateral

Crinetics Homepage

Pipeline Page

Petri Dish Ad

CRNX Secrete Ad

Patients Patience Ad

Acro Means Ad

PT Recruitment Brochure